Tuesday, April 28, 2009

WINNERS of SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009

The competition was successful! All teams gave their best on the 2-day competition. From 197 participants in 20 teams, two participants and three teams were exceptional and they were crowned the Best Actor, Best Actress, Second Runner-Up, First Runner-Up and Winner of SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009, they are:

Best Actor : JAMES from Cita Hati High School, Surabaya
Best Actress : CAROLINA from Cita Hati High School, Surabaya
Second Runner-Up: CLIQUE from Petra 2 Christian High School, Surabaya
First Runner-Up : KOSAYU from Kolose Santo Yusuf Catholic High School, Malang
WINNER : DEMPO from St. Albertus Catholic High School, Malang

SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009 Crew congratulates all of you. You have proven yourself!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Technical Meeting Results

The results and information from the previous Technical Meeting on March 13 can be downloaded HERE and HERE. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

P.S.: Both links are important, please download both of them.

Friday, February 27, 2009

A Little Help For the Property

The committee will provide several big properties that can be used by the contestants if they wish to.

The properties are:
1 set of sofa and it's table
1 coffee table
1 book case/table with books on it

By providing these items, we are NOT saying that the contestants cannot use their own property. We just hope that this arrangement will lighten up the groups' load in carrying the things that they need on the day of the competition.

Entry Population

We are happy to inform you that there have been 14 groups joining this competition so far. As the deadline is prolonged until March 6, 2009, we expect more schools will send their representatives. Is your school one of them? The buzz is on and things are just getting hotter by the minutes. So come on, join the party!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Since we believe there are more schools out there that need more time to assemble their groups, we decide to extend the registration deadline. The new deadline for entry form and fee is March 6, 2009. Do not waste this chance. Gather your forces and sign up now! We are waiting.

Frequently Asked Questions - Updated

Q: Can each school send more than 1 group?
A: Yes, it is possible. And we haven't seen any reason to limit the number of groups sent by one school.

Q: How many members are there in a team?
A: Each team consists of 10 people. 7 of them are the actors/actresses, while the rest (3) can function as either sound operator, lighting operator, or other positions that are regarded important by the group.

Q: Can the lighting and the sound be operated by the school's teacher(s)?
A: As much as we appreciate the teachers' eagerness to help, we are sorry to inform you that all the members of the team must be students. That means, including the sound operator, music operator, or others.

Q: So, can the teacher help the students to arrange things on the D-day?
A: No, s/he cannot. All the preparations done on the day of the competition is solely the responsibility of the students that join the team. The teacher can accompany the team until they enter the incubation room (further information about the incubation room will be given in the Technical Meeting).

Q: Can the group modify the dialogue in the script?
A: No, you cannot change the script's dialogue whatsoever. You have the freedom to interpret the script, but not changing what is written there.

Q: What if there is a change of team member after the registration?
A: You may have a change of your member(s) as long as we are informed before the Technical Rehearsal (April 6-10,2009). Any late information will affect the name(s) written on the certificates.

Q: Can we bring and submit the entry fee on the day of the Technical Meeting?
A: No, it is not allowed. Groups that haven't paid the entry fee according to the schedule are considered withdrawing themselves from the competition.

Q: Are we allowed to use microphones in the performance?
A: No, you cannot use any microphones in the performance. The use of vocal chords is an essential part in representational acting. Moreover, the theatre room is a classroom sized room, the use of microphones are unnecessary.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Script Availability

If you have a huge interest in joining the competition but haven't got the script, let us know right away and we will send it to you.
Contact Vivi at 031-60249123.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009 ENTRY FORM

If you wish to participate, the SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009 ENTRY FORM is now available for download!


To view SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009 ENTRY FORM, you must have Adobe Reader.
Click HERE to download the latest version of Adobe Reader.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009
April 25 & 26, 2009

Panitia SPOTLIGHT drama competiton 2009 – English Department
Universitas Kristen Petra
Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131 Surabaya 60236

T : 031-2983065
F : 031-8477661
E : spotlight.dramacompetition@yahoo.com
W : www.spotlight-dramacompetition.blogspot.com
Contact person:
Sani - 08123090933
Vivi - 03160249123
Imelda - 08195516270
Marsella - 081703515536

SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009 is a biennial drama competition for senior high school students held by Petra Little Theatre – English Department, Petra Christian University. Aside from celebrating the students’ self actualization in dramatic performance, this event also tries to encourage English proficiency education for senior high school students through representational acting performance. Realistic acting is chosen for this competition as it is the fundamental acting style that emphasizes the universal ability of every person to act since acting is not a special gift but more into reasonable, workable actions. In 2009, the genre that should be performed is drama.


Contestants of SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009 will show their ability in performing a 10-minute one-act play in English language decided by the committee. Thus, upon receiving the script, the contestants must rehearse the script, develop not only the acting aspect but also the artistic aspect of it, and obey the script (any significant divergence is not allowed).


1. SPOTLIGHT drama competition 2009 is open for every Senior High School in Java, Madura and Bali.
2. Every school may send more than 1 group.
3. The entry fee is IDR 150,000- (one hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs).
Transfer to Back Central Asia. Account no: 0390523441. Sani Puspa Kencono


1. The entry form and fee deadline is February 27, 2009.
2. Technical Meeting will be held on Friday, March 13, 2009 at 10 am. Things covered on the Technical Meeting:
• Venue orientation
• Performance Order
• Technical Rehearsal Order
• Assessment Criteria
Each school can only send two representatives to attend the technical meeting.
3. Technical Rehearsal will be held on Monday until Friday, April 6- 10 , 2009 (refer to every contestant’s order)
4. The announcement of the winner will be on April 26, 2009 and announced in printed media the following day.

For the competition, the committee provides:
1. Stage (8 m x 6 m x 2.8 m)
2. Lighting
•Type: Phillips Spotone PAR 38 80 Watt
•Amount & position: 10 front, 10 center
3. Sound
• Player Type: SONY Compact Disc Deck Receiver (CD player, MD/video player, cassette player)
• Audio Type: indoor loud speaker (2 items)
4. Black backdrops for the 3 sides of the stage
5. A room for preparation
(Each group should have its own lighting, sound, property, costume and setting designer/ operator)


There will be three juries grading the performances in this competition:
1. Meilinda S.S. MA (Theatre)
Artistic Director of Petra Little Theatre (2006-present); Lecturer for Theatrical Package (2006-present); Keynote Speaker for theatre workshop on realistic acting; Actor and Director for several on-stage performances.

2. Dr. Ribut Basuki, MA (Theatre), Candidate
Member of Komisi Teater Dewan Kesenian Jawa Timur (2003-2006); Artistic Director of Petra Little Theatre (2002-2006); Lecturer for Theatrical Package (2000-present); Keynote Speaker for theatre workshop on realistic acting; Director for several on-stage performances.

3. Stefanny Irawan S.S.
Managing Director of Petra Little Theatre (2006-present); Lecturer for Theatrical Package (2006-present); Keynote Speaker for theatre workshop focusing on vocal and pronunciation, Director for several on-stage performances.

Aside from a certificate of participation for every contestant, the competition will award the following prizes to the contestants:
1. Trophy plus certificates and IDR 2,000,000 for The Winner
2. Trophy plus certificates and IDR 1,500,000 for the 1st Runner Up
3. Trophy plus certificates and IDR 1,000,000 for the 2nd Runner Up
4. Certificate and IDR 250,000 for the Best Actress
5. Certificate and IDR 250,000 for the Best Actor

The committee will decide on any cases or conditions which have not been mentioned in these regulations. Participation in the competition implies recognitions without reservation of the changes or decisions.